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Memosens Wave CAS80E: Digital water and wastewater spectrometer for reliable measured values

Spectrometer Memosens Wave CAS80E

UV-VIS spectrometer for the water & wastewater industry

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Specs at a glance

  • Measuring range

    Depending on the path length and the application the measuring range vary:
    TOCeq: 0 to 400 mg/l
    CODeq: 0 to 20 000 mg/l
    BODeq: 0 to 5000 mg/l
    SAC254: 0 to 1000 /m
    TU: 0 to 800 FAU
    TSS: 0 to 10 000 mg/l
    NO3-N: 0 to 500 mg/l
    APHA/Hazen: 0 to 500 Hazen

  • Process temperature

    0 to 50°C
    32 to 122 °F

  • Process pressure

    0.5 to 10 bar abs.
    7.3 to 145 psi

  • Measuring method

    UV/VIS Absorbance at 200 to 800 nm

Field of application

Memosens Wave CAS80E offers reliable real-time measurements of relevant analytical parameters such as chemical and biological oxygen demand (COD, BOD), turbidity, nitrate and spectral absorption coefficient (SAC) in one single device. It thus increases your efficiency and minimizes costs for your measuring points. The compact, handy Memosens Wave CAS80E spectrometer is easy to install and maintain and ensures reliable, interference-free communication thanks to Memosens digital technology.

The Memosens Wave CAS80E spectrometer is suitable for measuring a wide range of analytical parameters in:

  • Drinking water

  • Surface water

  • Wastewater

  • Industrial wastewater

  • Utilities


  • Ensures uninterrupted measurements in real time by operating directly in the process.

  • Benefit from reliable, interference-free communication thanks to Memosens digital technology.

  • Offers you the analysis of many standard parameters for your water and wastewater monitoring. Measures your specific selection of the parameters turbidity, suspended solids, CODeq, BODeq, TOCeq, SAC254, nitrate and the APHA-Hazen color.

  • The spectrometer is quickly adapted to your specific application through pre-installed analysis models.

  • Compact, lightweight spectrometer that is very easy to install and convinces with its low-maintenance operation.

Extended selection

  • High-end products

  • Highly functional and convenient

Technical excellence


FLEX: Extended ©Endress+Hauser
  • Simple products

  • Easy to select, install and operate

Technical excellence


  • Standard products

  • Reliable, robust and low-maintenance

Technical excellence


  • High-end products

  • Highly functional and convenient

Technical excellence


  • Specialized products

  • Designed for demanding applications

Technical excellence



FLEX selections Technical excellence Simplicity
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  • E
  • X

Fundamental selection

Meet your basic measurement needs

Technical excellence
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Lean selection

Handle your core processes easily

Technical excellence
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  • E
  • X

Extended selection

Optimize your processes with innovative technologies

Technical excellence
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  • E
  • X

Xpert selection

Master your most challenging applications

Technical excellence


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