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New multisensor device from Endress+Hauser simplifies brewery processes

The Fermentation Monitor QWX43 enables the seamless and simple monitoring of fermentation processes

Erscheinungsdatum: 09.03.2022

Fermentation Monitor QWX43

Highly-precise measurement values without manual sampling or laboratory analyses. The Fermentation Monitor QWX43 from Endress+Hauser helps brewers and brew masters carry out their daily tasks. This instrument screens all important beer fermentation parameters directly in the tank.  The values can be retrieved with a mobile phone, tablet or computer, thus providing users real-time insights into the fermentation process, from anywhere and anytime.

Brewers must keep an eye on numerous parameters during the fermentation process. To determine the residual extract for instance, reference measurements are taken at every fermentation tank at least once a day using samples that are analyzed in the lab. These measurements can take up to 20 minutes per tank, including sample preparation. Furthermore, these sporadic measurements yield only intermittent results.

That means it’s possible to make only an approximate determination of the end of the fermentation process, or the ideal time for bunging or the addition of hops during the fermentation process as an example. The Fermentation Monitor QWX43 fills these problematic gaps in information by measuring the fermentation parameters in real-time.

Brewers can utilize the Netilion Value App from Endress+Hauser to directly retrieve their data around-the-clock. Furthermore, thanks to a notification function, they can be immediately alerted to critical deviations in the fermentation process.

Digitalization enables data-driven optimization

The Fermentation Monitor QWX43 can be easily connected to existing process fittings and requires no recipe-based adjustments for the measurement of most beers. Calibration of the sensor at the measuring point is also not required. The instrument connects quickly to the WiFi network via an integrated web server and is immediately ready to utilize. With just a few clicks, users can see what is occurring in the fermentation cellar at any time.

This enables quick intervention and optimization if necessary. The Fermentation Monitor furthermore reduces the documentation and filing efforts and replaces manual batch tracking. It recognizes when a new batch starts and automatically saves the information in the system.

The ability to save the batch information in a history file and the possibility to define a reference batch also enables more complex analyses, such as carrying out comparisons to previous fermentation processes or models, thus allowing brewers to optimize their processes on a data-driven basis.

Cleaning is also easy thanks to the fully hygienic sensor design. The Fermentation Monitor QWX43 can remain in the tank and does not need to be removed for cleaning.

Award-winning innovation

Endress+Hauser received the prestigious Innovation Award from the AMA Association for Sensors and Measurement Technology for the development of the Fermentation Monitor QWX43. The award is given out for projects and product ideas from the field of sensor and measurement technology that have noticeable market relevance.

The AMA jury, made up of industry experts from universities, research institutes and companies, evaluated around 30 applications and selected the Endress+Hauser team as one of two winners for 2021.

The advantages of the QWX43 and Netilion Value at a glance:

  • Precise and repeatable measurements replace manual sampling and laboratory analysis

  • Minute-by-minute update of the crucial process parameters

  • Information can be retrieved at any time and from anywhere

  • Data-driven process improvements through comparison of values from past batches and automatic notifications

  • Automatic creation, saving and downloading of batches and values

  • Hygienic design enables tank-integrated cleaning

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  • Wouter Vandevyver

    Industry Manager Food & Beverages and Life Sciences

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