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Prosonic Flow P 500 – Maximum performance in confined spaces

The brand-new FlowDC function ensures a specified accuracy even with minimal inlet runs

Publicatiedatum: 03.05.2021

Prosonic Flow P 500 is ideally suited for industrial process plants with their usually restricted pipeline network. Thanks to the unique FlowDC function, this ultrasonic clamp-on flowmeter requires only minimal straight inlet runs and therefore can be installed even where space is at a minimum. The device is mounted directly onto the pipe without any process interruption. In this way, planners and operators remain flexible and can use Prosonic Flow P 500 wherever and whenever they want.


  • Non-intrusive flow measurement without maintenance. Mounting directly on the exterior wall of the pipe without opening the pipe.

  • Applicable for a wide range of liquids such as chemicals, liquid hydrocarbons, solvents, bases, alkalis or water. Especially suited for corrosive, abrasive and toxic fluids.

  • For maintenance-free long-term operation: robust, SIL-compliant industrial design for harsh environmental conditions

  • Very large nominal diameter range: DN 15 to 4000 (½ to 156")

  • Suitable for pipes made of metal, plastic, GRP or composite materials with or without lining

  • For consistent measuring accuracy even with very short inlet runs down to 2 × DN (instead of min. 15 × DN) thanks to the innovative FlowDC function

Ultrasonic flow measurement with clamp-on sensors has been used successfully in the process industry for decades. Plant operators can use Prosonic Flow P 500 in a wide range of applications, e.g. for quantity and volume measurement, totalizing and balancing, process monitoring, verification of previously installed flowmeters and leak detection. That makes Prosonic Flow ideal for controlling processes in the chemical, petrochemical and oil industries.

FlowDC function for maximum performance with disturbed flow

Prosonic Flow P 500 is the world’s first ultrasonic flowmeter which has a FlowDC function that detects and compensates for effects of flow disturbance, e.g. downstream of pipe bends. This makes it possible, for example, to maintain a consistent accuracy even with a significant reduction in inlet runs – e.g. from 15 pipe diameters all the way down to 2 pipe diameters. This means maximum flexibility for planners and users, should they want to equip or retrofit a plant with clamp-on flowmeters.

Fits on any pipe

Prosonic Flow P 500 can be mounted on a wide variety of pipelines. A maintenance-free contact foil (coupling pad) provides optimum sound transmission between sensor and pipe. The resulting constant, high signal strength ensures stable measurement results over many years. Depending on the line size, fluid and pipe material, the sensors are delivered with different ultrasonic frequencies (0.3 – 0.5 – 1– 2 – 5 MHz) so that users can fully rely on maximum signal quality, accuracy and repeatability.

Heartbeat Technology – for maximum operational safety

Heartbeat Technology is another highlight. This testing function is integrated into all Proline measuring devices and enables permanent self-diagnostics with the highest diagnostic coverage (>95%) as well as a traceable device verification without process interruption. All of this reduces complexity and hazards in a plant and increases its reliability as well as availability.

Webserver and HistoROM for time-saving servicing

Proline 500 transmitters include a web server as standard. With an Ethernet cable and a laptop, or via WLAN, users have access to all diagnostic, configuration and device data without additional soft-/hardware. This enables time-saving maintenance and service. In addition, all device data are stored securely on the HistoROM data storage module and are automatically reloaded after maintenance work. Therefore, installing spare parts is very simple and reduces unnecessary downtimes.

Lees over vergelijkbare onderwerpen


    Innovation brochure - Proline Prosonic Flow P 500

    For maximum performance in confined spaces thanks to brand-new FlowDC function


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