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  • Geschiedenis

A strong partnership for decarbonization

VERDEMOBIL BIOGAZ relies on Endress+Hauser instrumentation for safe and reliable capture, purification and liquefaction of biogenic CO2

Biogas, produced from organic waste like agricultural residues or sewage sludge, captures methane and offers a sustainable energy source. Upgraded biogas (biomethane) can fuel vehicles or be injected into gas grids. Pairing biogas plants with carbon capture reduces CO2 emissions, enabling reuse or sequestration. VERDEMOBIL BIOGAZ has developed a containerized system to facilitate the capture and recovery of biogenic CO2 on methanization sites.

Biomethane production site Agesy Méthavert, France: recovery of 2,190 tons of biogenic CO2 annually

Endress+Hauser Cerabar pressure transmitter ©Endress+Hauser

Cerabar pressure transmitters deliver accurate and dependable measurements

The results

  • System stability to guarantee high-quality CO2

  • Optimal resource utilization and process transparency

  • Real-time adjustments and improved process regulation

Kevin Preau, Engineering Manager at VERDEMOBIL BIOGAZ

“By integrating state-of-the-art measurement technologies from Endress+Hauser, our systems achieve high levels of reliability, precision and efficiency.”

Kevin Preau, Engineering Manager

Customer challenge

Optimizing the liquefaction process presents key challenges regarding safety, real-time data availability and remote control. Efficient temperature regulation, stable pressure and accurate mass balance measurements as well as reliable liquid CO₂ level monitoring are crucial for smooth and safe operations.

Future-oriented partnership

To ensure efficiency, process safety and reliable operation of their units, VERDEMOBIL BIOGAZ relies on the support of Endress+Hauser. This partnership highlights the crucial role of reliable instrumentation in advancing energy transition technologies, reducing carbon emissions and supporting the circular economy.

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Fundamental selectie

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Beheers eenvoudig uw belangrijkste processen

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Xpert selectie

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