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Multiparameter handheld for pH/ORP, conductivity, oxygen and temperature measurement

Multiparameter handheld
Liquiline Mobile CML18

Mobile device for pH/ORP, conductivity, oxygen and temperature measurement in all industries

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The multiparameter handheld enables you to check any measuring point in your plant with Memosens sensors with inductive coupling. Using the identical sensors as already installed at the fixed measuring points in your process guarantees full data consistency between your measurements. Via a uniquely secure Bluetooth connection you can transfer all sensor data and measured values to your tablets or smartphones which makes documentation, sensor adjustment and data transfer safe and effortless.

Liquiline Mobile CML18 is a multiparameter handheld for the measurement of:

  • pH/ORP & temperature

  • Conductivity / conductivity trace & temperature

  • Oxygen / oxygen trace & temperature

It suits all industries and their utilities allowing the reliable check of

  • Measuring points

  • Grab samples (on-site as well as in the laboratory)

  • Process points where no online measurement is installed


  • Easy operation:
    Use your existing tablets and smartphones for operation and commissioning.

  • Benefit from all the advantages of Memosens technology:
    Memosens sensors offer you the safest data transmission, the highest measured value availability and total ease of use.

  • Trust your measured values:

    Using the same technology for process, laboratory and grab sample measurements provides you with full consistency.

  • Simplify your daily work:

    Hot plug & play with pre-calibrated Memosens sensors enables you to rapidly change from one parameter to another.

  • Use it as a data logger:

    Save more than 10,000 measured values with time and date stamp.

  • Take it where you need it:

    Flexible use wherever it is needed, from the laboratory to the process. With its small and handy design it fits in any pocket.

  • Recharge it:

    Low energy level? You can easily recharge it with an inductive pad.

Lean selectie

  • Standaardproducten

  • Betrouwbaar, robuust en onderhoudsarm

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FLEX: Lean ©Endress+Hauser
  • Eenvoudige producten

  • Gemakkelijk te selecteren, installeren en gebruiken

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  • Standaardproducten

  • Betrouwbaar, robuust en onderhoudsarm

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  • High-end producten

  • Functioneel en uiterst doelmatig

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  • Gespecialiseerde producten

  • Ontworpen voor veeleisende applicaties

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FLEX selectie Technische topkwaliteit Eenvoud
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Fundamental selectie

Voldoe aan uw basismeetvoorwaarden

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Lean selectie

Beheers eenvoudig uw belangrijkste processen

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Extended selectie

Optimaliseer uw processen met innovatieve technologieën

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Xpert selectie

Beheers uw meest uitdagende applicaties

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