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  • Geschiedenis

Data security in the cloud

Endress+Hauser receives the StarAudit certification for security and sustainability of digital services

Publicatiedatum: 23.05.2018

Endress+Hauser has given top priority to data security during the development of cloud-based applications. “In conversations with customers, the second question which is nearly always asked concerns our security standards and measures to ensure them,” says Thomas Schmidt, StarAudit Project Leader at Endress+Hauser, “which is why we decided to carry out a comprehensive audit through an independent body.”

The StarAudit certificate confirms that web-based services are based on specific security standards and have been correspondingly validated. This offers a traceable quality assessment of cloud services through a transparent and reliable certification process. The aim is to strengthen the trust of customers and users in cloud services. The certificate was officially handed over in Zurich in April.

Endress+Hauser’s IIoT offering

Through digital products and services, Endress+Hauser helps its customers to optimize processes and thus increase the efficiency of their plants. With the web-application Analytics all field devices in a plant, including those from third parties, can be quickly cataloged and analyzed. This considerably reduces the time required for an installed base inventory.

In addition, the application also enables the recognition of critical measuring points and indicates possibilities for standardization. Further information, for example suitable replacement products, is also shown.

More about Endress+Hauser's IIoT offering can be found here: www.iiot.endress.com

EuroCloud promotes cloud computing

EuroCloud is an independent non-profit organization for the promotion of cloud computing. It is committed to the development of a common digital European market and open dialog between all partners, in order to drive new developments.

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    EH_2018-05-22_Star Audit.zip


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