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A door opener for digitization

Digital press event: Connect the field with Ethernet-APL  

Date de publication: 25.10.2021

Benedikt Spielmann, Marketing Manager Industrial Communication at Endress+Hauser, and Andreas Hennecke, Product Marketing Manager from partner company Pepperl+Fuchs, explained how the Advanced Physical Layer works and the possibilities of the technology. In addition, they gave an overview of products with Ethernet APL that are already available or planned.

Stefan Gampp, Marketing Manager Automation at Endress+Hauser, presented how Ethernet-APL can be usefully applied and utilized in the automation of process plants. Gerd Niedermayer, Senior E+I Engineering Manager at BASF, reported on experiences with the new technology from a user’s perspective and its advantages, and explained the relevance of Ethernet-APL for the plants of the world's largest chemical company. 

Did you miss the event? The recording is available here.  


    EH_21-10-2021_Press Event

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