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Tablet PC Field Xpert SMT70B

Field Xpert SMT70B

Universal, high-performance tablet PC for device configuration

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Domaine d'application

The Field Xpert SMT70B tablet PC for device configuration enables mobile plant asset management in hazardous (Ex zone 2) and non-hazardous areas. It is suitable for commissioning and maintenance staff to manage Endress+Hauser and third-party field instruments with a digital communication interface and documents the progress of the work. Field Xpert also uses the most secure Bluetooth connection for its wireless connectivity!

The Field Xpert SMT70B is designed as a complete solution, comes with a pre-installed driver library and is an easy-to-use, touch-enabled tool for managing devices throughout their entire life cycle.
Tip: The Netilion Library application is a valuable addition to Field Xpert. Netilion Library stores and manages all documents created with Field Xpert in the Endress+Hauser Cloud. So that everything is secure, up-to-date and available everywhere.


  • High-performance industrial tablet.

  • Efficient asset management and maintenance to save time.

  • Mobile commissioning for all field devices.

  • Enhance collaboration and productivity with the integrated Netilion ecosystem.

  • Fast connections, automatic device recognition, and real-time updates.

  • Supports all protocols, both wired and wireless.

Extended selection

  • Produits haut de gamme

  • Hautement fonctionnel et pratique

Excellence technique


FLEX: Extended ©Endress+Hauser
  • Produits simples

  • Facile à sélectionner, à installer et à utiliser

Excellence technique


  • Produits standard

  • Fiable, robuste et effort de maintenance réduit

Excellence technique


  • Produits haut de gamme

  • Hautement fonctionnel et pratique

Excellence technique


  • Produits spécialisés

  • Conçu pour les applications exigeantes

Excellence technique



FLEX selections Excellence technique Simplicité
  • F
  • L
  • E
  • X

Fundamental selection

Parfait pour les applications de base

Excellence technique
  • F
  • L
  • E
  • X

Lean selection

Performances optimales pour piloter les applications standards

Excellence technique
  • F
  • L
  • E
  • X

Extended selection

Fonctionnalités avancées pour maximiser vos process

Excellence technique
  • F
  • L
  • E
  • X

Xpert selection

Performances exceptionnelles pour applications exigeantes

Excellence technique


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